I've recently had my braces removed (May 2009) and now have an Essix retainer for my bottom jaw (to wear at night) and an Hawley retainer for my top jaw with false tooth attached (to wear during the day).

Starting in Aug/Sept 2004 I had Damon type 2 brackets, then In-ovation brackets (replaced March and May 2006) and seven In-ovation brackets without clips (with elastic ligatures).
Total time in braces = 4 years and 8 months!

NB: All treatment is through the NHS apart from implant work done by Mr Ziff which is private.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Checkups galore and hip stitches taken out (maxillofacial)

Busy day today. Had to go for two appointments in different hospitals.

I had my orthodontic appointment in the morning with Mr S.
I went with my boyfriend to this app.

Mr S had a look around my mouth again and was generally pleased.
He said he won't go to cut the stitches near the back of my mouth as it would be a bit uncomfortable for me as my lips would be pulled around.

He asked me about the whole experience so far and said he'd like it if I wrote down all the good and bad things that have happened to me throughout my operation and stay in hospital. He said this will help future patients as the sheet they gave me are all from previous patients suggestions.

He then asked if I preferred having my lower jaw done in this way (ie cut, no plates used and wired shut for 6 weeks) compared to the other method.

I said I prefer this way as I was told the other way has a higher risk of losing feeling to lip, tongue, chin etc even though I wouldn't be wired up.

He said it's interesting as all the patients he has asked have preferred being wired-up.

I told him my hip stitches were coming out this afternoon.
He wants to see me again after his holiday, so they said two weeks, although the appointment I got is actually in three weeks!

So in the afternoon I went to see Mr O with my Dad.
I was nervous about this app because of my stitches being taken out even though I've been told by lots of people not to worry. I'm a worrier!

We got there and waited a while then got called in by the guy on the surgical team (whose name I really need to find out!)

Mr O asked how I was and had a look inside my mouth. He said the top of my mouth has healed up well where it was cut.

He then asked if it was okay for a young student dentist to have a look, I said sure and they showed the student how my teeth are all wired up and explained what they did.

Mr O then went out of the room and the guy from the surgical team and a nurse told me they were going to remove my stitches.

He put some alcohol on the dressing first to remove that without pulling my skin too much. Then cut the bead higher on my hip and pulled the rest out from the lower end. I made a face and the nurse asked if I was okay. I said "Yeah, I just thought it would hurt". It didn't hurt at all!

The guy told me he's not removing the lil dressing strips on my scar and said they'll come off when I have a shower etc.

Mr O then came back into the room and said my swelling was going down well but my upper swelling would take it's time.

My Dad commented on how we have been taking photos every day to see the swelling progress. Mr O said he'd like to see the progress from our photos, hehe.

I asked him about a lighter mark on the corner of my lip, he had a look and said it looks like pigmentation. I said some skin came off from there after the operation. He said it should go away, I also asked about a raised vein caused by the drip and he said that should go too.

Next app is in two weeks.

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