I've recently had my braces removed (May 2009) and now have an Essix retainer for my bottom jaw (to wear at night) and an Hawley retainer for my top jaw with false tooth attached (to wear during the day).

Starting in Aug/Sept 2004 I had Damon type 2 brackets, then In-ovation brackets (replaced March and May 2006) and seven In-ovation brackets without clips (with elastic ligatures).
Total time in braces = 4 years and 8 months!

NB: All treatment is through the NHS apart from implant work done by Mr Ziff which is private.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

What a mouthful!

Today was a quick appointment

Mr S checked the progress of my teeth and filed down my back top brackets as he could see they were tearing the insides of my cheeks.

That was slightly uncomfortable as he had the filer thing, water spray and air sucker all in my mouth at the same time, plus my back teeth are sensitive so my teeth were hurting from the cold water spray.

Mr S advised me to have an appointment with the hygienist to help clean up my plaque build-up and he also showed me how to clean my brackets properly with my electric toothbrush.