I've recently had my braces removed (May 2009) and now have an Essix retainer for my bottom jaw (to wear at night) and an Hawley retainer for my top jaw with false tooth attached (to wear during the day).

Starting in Aug/Sept 2004 I had Damon type 2 brackets, then In-ovation brackets (replaced March and May 2006) and seven In-ovation brackets without clips (with elastic ligatures).
Total time in braces = 4 years and 8 months!

NB: All treatment is through the NHS apart from implant work done by Mr Ziff which is private.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Coloured powerchain?

Today I had my usual powerchain removed and replaced.

Before Mr S had a chance to even do it, I said
"I have a question for you, do you have coloured powerchains?"

He asked if I was feeling festive and I explained it is because the clear powerchain gets stained so easily.

Mr S asked his nurse who checked and found a tube of red powerchain but unfortunately it was too old and got distorted when pulled and so was destined for the bin and not my teeth.

So here I am again with a clear powerchain which will turn yellow! Oh well...

Mr S also told me my gaps are closing with great progress, so hopefully when they are shut I think I won't need a powerchain anymore.
That'll be good as I'll no longer have a yellow thing in my mouth.

NB: I found out about getting coloured powerchains and lots of great information about braces from Archwired.com.


Some photos I've taken on the 7th Dec.
They are not very good I'm afraid as I forgot to use macro but you can see how my teeth are at the moment.

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Operation next year...

Today was a quick appointment.

Mr S removes and replaces the powerchain on my top teeth.

This one went yellow just like the last one

I asked Mr S about my schedule and when my operation is likely to be
(Miss M had told me Nov/Dec of this year but as it's already that time of year it's unlikely)

Mr S said it's likely to be the middle of next year, between May and September.

He said after I got transferred over to him from Miss M that there is a small delay in the treatment but he says mine is going well.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Closing gaps

Today was a very quick appointment.

Mr S asked how my false tooth is. I told him it's fine but also annoying as it moves up and down. He told me it'll stop wobbling once I have a thicker, squarer wire in place (I've found that by using my tongue I can move the tooth back and forth.)

Mr S replaced the powerchain on my top teeth.
My last powerchain gradually went bright yellow as my Mum cooks with lots of turmeric!
So I guess it'll be the same for this one...

At least it is doing its job; my gaps on my upper jaw are closing!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

False tooth!

Today I got my wires changed.

Mr S changed both my wires and as my top wire is now more squared he also removed all the tubing and springs I had on the top wire for my gap and attaches my new false tooth!
I also now have a clear powerchain (a chain of elastic ligatures grouped together) attached that goes around more of the brackets of my upper teeth.

The powerchain will help to close up my small gaps on my upper jaw.

The new tooth looks and feels weird as I'm so used to my gap, it's also a bit sore.

He said the tooth will still move back and forth as the wire is not squared enough and advises me not to bite with that tooth.

Hmm... that's going to be hard seeing as it's right in the middle of my mouth!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Open wide!

Today I had the spacers removed and the new metal ring brackets put in on my second molars.

I got a bit scared as these go in right at the back of the mouth and I had to learn to open my jaw in a different way so Mr S could reach each tooth properly.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Goodbye Damon, hello In-ovation part 2

I'm now 23 years old. I had spacers put between my two molars on each side of my mouth, top and bottom.
They hurt being put in.

This is to create room for the new ring brackets on my second molars (the molars before your wisdom teeth).

I also had the rest of my Damon brackets removed and replaced with In-ovation brackets.

Next week I'll be back for my ring brackets.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Emergency appointment! Goodbye Damon, hello In-ovation

I have lost a spring from my pre-molar gap.
I also noticed the wire for my top teeth is going through the wrong bit of a top back bracket.

I got seen by Mr S and told him one of my back springs have come off.

He had a look, removed my other back spring for my pre-molar gap and told me the wire was going through the wrong bit of the bracket and has caused my tooth to twist the wrong way.

He cleaned my top brackets using vinegar to help dissolve the plaque and put the wire back into the correct hole for the back bracket so that tooth will realign properly.

He also put new tubing next to my top spring and replaced some of my Damon brackets with In-ovation brackets.

In-ovation brackets are self-ligating like Damon brackets.
Mr S changed my brackets as the "doors" on the Damon braces get clogged up too easily (well on mine anyway!).

Find out more about In-ovation
. (<< see link)

Mr S told me I can't have my false tooth yet (even though Miss M got it ready) as the new wire he put on is rounded and would mean the tooth would just keep moving around the wire and not stay put.

He said once my back tooth is back in line, he'll replace the wire with a more squared wire which will stop the false tooth from moving.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Miss M leaves

Today I had my bottom wire changed.

Miss M also put my two missing brackets back on and attached them to the wire.

My bottom central incisor which was out of line for so long has finally come forward enough to be attached to the wire for the first time.

She also colour matched my teeth for my false tooth as my top gap is now wide enough. I will get a temporary false tooth for now as I won't get an implant until right after my long treatment (braces, surgery with braces, retainers then implant).

She said it should be ready and put on in my next appointment.

Miss M also informed me I won't be seeing her anymore as she's leaving and I'll be back with Mr S.

I asked about my operation and she said it'll probably be the end of this year and when I asked how long it would take the teeth to be straight she said probably about 9 months.