I've recently had my braces removed (May 2009) and now have an Essix retainer for my bottom jaw (to wear at night) and an Hawley retainer for my top jaw with false tooth attached (to wear during the day).

Starting in Aug/Sept 2004 I had Damon type 2 brackets, then In-ovation brackets (replaced March and May 2006) and seven In-ovation brackets without clips (with elastic ligatures).
Total time in braces = 4 years and 8 months!

NB: All treatment is through the NHS apart from implant work done by Mr Ziff which is private.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thoughtful Mr S

I went to this orthodontics appointment armed with questions.

Today there was an observer who Mr S was showing and explaining things to.

As Mr S had a look inside my mouth, he was showing the observer how my teeth are all wired together and explained that I had my lower jaw moved back and my upper jaw moved forward and down. He was showing my scar and as he was pressing it, it was causing me pain and he told the observer, that the area is still delicate.

Mr S said all is well and asked if I was hurting anywhere. I told him my left side was hurting on the inside at the back, he has a look and said he can see my gum is starting to gather up as it cannot be stretched and is sitting on my teeth. He said once I can stretch my mouth it will be fine.

I showed him my raised vein and he noted that it looks like a clot as the rest of the vein is no longer in use and my hand is getting blood through a different vein instead. I'd never noticed the vein wasn't being used before, weird!

He said to ask Mr O about it next week and to let him know what they say so he can chase it up for me. Aww how sweet of him! :o)

Mr S asked when my wires are cut. I said next weeks, so they are giving me an appointment on the Thurs to fit elastics in as they are fully booked for next Wed.

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