I've recently had my braces removed (May 2009) and now have an Essix retainer for my bottom jaw (to wear at night) and an Hawley retainer for my top jaw with false tooth attached (to wear during the day).

Starting in Aug/Sept 2004 I had Damon type 2 brackets, then In-ovation brackets (replaced March and May 2006) and seven In-ovation brackets without clips (with elastic ligatures).
Total time in braces = 4 years and 8 months!

NB: All treatment is through the NHS apart from implant work done by Mr Ziff which is private.

Thursday, October 15, 1998

It Begins!

I got referred by my dentist to the Orthodontic and Restorative Dentistry Department at Glenfield Hospital.

I wasn't aware of anything being wrong with my teeth before I got referred. As far as I was concerned my teeth were normal.

I have an underbite which isn't very noticeable but affects the position of my teeth.

I had my first visit to the Orthodontics Clinic at Glenfield Hospital - Leicester today.

I am still attending secondary school and I'm 15 years old.

I had to be leave school early and went down with my Dad for my appointment.

I met my orthodontist Mr S for the first time.

He had a look at my teeth and made notes in his file.
He also looked at a mold/ impression of my teeth which my dentist had already made.

I told him about my missing adult upper central incisor which I lost when I was 8.
I have a very small gap where the tooth used to be.

NB: Photos of my impressions




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